• Bütün bunlara görə Üzeyir Hacıbəyovun yaradıcılığı Azərbaycan xalqının milli sərvətidir. 

    Üzeyir Hacıbəyov şəxsiyyəti Azərbaycan xalqının iftixarı, bizim milli iftixarımızdır.


    Heydər Əliyev


  • Bəstəkarlar öz əsərlərini yaradarkən, unutmamalıdırlar ki, bizim yaradıcılığımızı xalq qiymətləndirir.

    Çunki xalq yalnız yaradıcı, yalnız bəstəkar deyildir; xalq eyni zamanda misilsiz tənqidçi və musiqi

    əsərlərinin ən yaxşı «istehlakçısıdır», xalq musiqi əsərlərinə diqqətlə yanaşır, yaxşını pisdən seçir.


    Üzeyir Hacıbəyli

  • Azərbaycan bəstəkarlıq məktəbinin yaradıcısı, məşhur sovet bəstəkarı Üzeyir Hacıbəyovun musiqisi xalqımızın

    ürəyində yaşayır, onun mə'nəvi həyatını zinətləndirir. Zaman bu böyük iste'dadın qurduğu əzəmətli

    binanı sarsıtmaqdan nəinki acizdir, əksinə, onun getdikcə daha da möhkəmləndiyinə şahid olur.


    Qara Qarayev

  • Üzeyir məni özünə xas təmkinlə, çox mehriban bir münasibətlə qarşıladı.

    O gündən başlayaraq, ömrünün axırına qədər ölməz sənətkarın hərarətli münasibətini duydum.

    İlk dəfə şəxsiyyətində hiss etdiyim bu hərarəti get-gedə sənətində də duydum və bütün varlığımla ona bağlandım...


    Fikrət Əmirov

    9 iyun 2021-ci il

    Dedicated to Nizami’s 880 Anniversary Jubilee celebrations: “Nizami Ganjevi’s Immortal, Inexostible Inheritance”.

    Arranged  from  Baku Musical Academy  named after Uzeir Hajibeyli  and Azerbaijanian Pedagogics University  sides ,dedicated to 100 anniversary jubilee celebration,  scientific session  passed over on 9 th of June in 2021 year.

    This Scientific Session ,  in accordance with signed by  Azerbaijanian Republic President Ilham Aliyev    order  about announcement in our country   this year  the year  of   “ Nizami Ganjevi year” , was dedicated to  Azerbaijanian  genius  poet  and thinker   Nizami Ganjevi 880 anniversary jubilee  celebration.

    Gulnaz  Abdullazade - BMA named after  Uzeyir Hajibeyli  - the Pro-rector on Science and Creative Activity matters,   Honoured  Arts Worker , Doctor of Philosophy Sciences , the Professor-  announced Scientific Session  opened .

    She  pointed out, that  in  global, universe poetry  “ Mysteries Treasury. “ ,” Hosrov  and Shirin “ , “ Leyli and Medjnun “, “ 7  Seven Beauties” and “ Iskandername’”  poems  united  in “Hamse” collection  together are  Nizami Ganjevi’s artistical  inheritance,  and  even in nowadays , at present,  is distinguished  by its  contemporaneity .

    Despite of 9 nine centuries  passed from  times when he lived, he lives again, his precious creative activity is always in the center of poetry amateurs attention.

    Because   of their deep content, included into his immortal”Hamse”, diverse thematic poems and lyrical verses attract, readers and amateurs auditory wide audiences mass attention.

    Works written over based upon Nizami’s creative activity and Nizami’s image often repeatedly appear on stages and are sounded in the concert halls.

    The Dean   of ADPU \ Azerbaijanian  State Pedagogical University \ Arts and Physical  Training Culture  Faculty, Doctor of  Philosophy ,  Assistant Professor -Lachin  Hasanova in her  speech  noted,  that   we can follow ,estimate and observe  great amateurs love   to Nizami Ganjevi’s   works distinctive signs   even in each step .

    Walls  tabloids, which are decorating  museums, artistic  carpets , demonstrated  exclusive  artistic samples in the halls  , raised  and constructed  monuments  in cemeteries  prove this phenomena.

    In accordance with accepted  program , the first  lecturer The  Head   of “ Music and Its  Education  Technology ” department  of ADPU \Azerbaijan State  Pedagogical University \ Arts and  Physical Culture  Faculty  , The Doctor  of Arts Study Sciences ,The Professor   Zemfira  Abdullayeva  appeared with her speech lecture  called  “ Nizami’s  Heritage in  Fikret Amirov’s Creative Activity “ .

    She  pointed out, that written  on  based  upon Nizami’s works content narration  plot  stem and also  dedicated to Nizami’s image are most precious  pearls for Azerbaijanian culture .

    Only if we remind, written  \composed \ according  poets gazelles  Uzeyir Hajibeyli “ Sensiz” \ “Without You “\ and “ Sevgili Janan” \“Sweet Heart”\ , musical gazels , composed by Gara Garayev ballet -“Seven Beauties “ and symphony  poem- ”Leyli and Medjnun”, written  by Fikret Amirov ballet- “ Nizami”, symphony”Nizami”  we would understand  and affirm how high and great  is the  role of Nizami’s  creative activity inheritance distinguished  the top , on  points  degree  scale for our national music  development.

    For music lovers, these   works - creations are the source of inspiration.

    The next  lecturer  , the Head  of BMA named after  Uzeyir Hajibeyli  “Humanitarian  Subjects “ department ,  Doctor of Philology Sciences  , the Professor  Tarlan Guliyev appeared  in the conference meeting with the lecture under the name“ The Rhyme in Nizami  Poems”   lecture  speech . 

    Tarlan  muallim  pointed out , that consisted  from poet’s 29 thousand verses couplets poems called under  united  common title  “Hamse” included to “ Divane “ , consist   from 19 thousand verses lyrical couplets ,  from which only  3 thousand  reached  our days .

    These verses    are selected and differentiated in the translation by  depicted in them sensuality  native essence,  emotional  influence  and  heavy significance,  and are   written  in aruz rhyme \  classical poetic  rhyme metre in oriental poetry- \    gazels  are sounded  like songs, because  aruz rhyme  is originally  musical  rhyme .

    Blessings  are said to the creator \” Tanri-Allah”\ in opening words of Nizami’s   “Secrets Tresury”poem  with  “ Bismillah-Rahmani- Rahim “ words  and  they are  world’s first initial primary, values and sent  to all gifts creator  praises - announced Tarlan muallim.

    As the poet marked in his “Iskandername”: “Until the   poet is alive – till this time exist, word, poem. In the world I’m their keepsake memory. ” .

    Azerbaijan Pedagogical  State University  \ADPU\ ‘s Arts  and Physical  Training Culture  Faculty “  Music and Its Educational Training  Technologies” Department’s Professor ,Doctor of Pedagogics Sciences  Minara  Dadasheva commented in her lecture called ” Nizami Poems  in Middle East Art” , where is said  that   recopied by calligraphists Nizami’s handwritten  manuscripts, were designed with miniature drawings  ornaments of great artistic taste  by well-known in that medieval times  artist –painters.

    At the moment  they  are preserved  in  world’s famous museums , libraries , as well as  in  private collections .

    Minara hanim announced that, the whole humanity acquainted, accepted and recognized Nizami’s inner world.

    The Head of  BMA  named after Uzeyir Hajibeyli  “ Musical Expertise \ Theory\ Study” department  ,  Doctor of Philosophy on Arts Study Sciences,  the Professor   Konul Nasirova in her lecture “ The History  of B. Asafyev’s \ “Slavic Beauty” \ “ Slavyan Gozeli”  Opera’s  Creation .“  commented  her speech  with such facts , that in 1939 year  on the 3 rd of May  in Azerbaijan  SSR ,Commissars Council \ soviet\  announced  and received  the resolution  about Nizami Ganjevi 800 years Jubilee Anniversary Celebration Arrangement.

    And  because  of  this,  whole  artistic , creative  people  like composers , joined  this work   with great interest . 

    But started in   1941 year Big Patriotic Great War postponed anniversary jubilee celebration arrangement.  

    And  almost  in the same  years,  Boris Asafyev  writes “ Slavic Beauty” opera based over Nizami’s “ Seven Beauties “ poem’s  narration content plot stem.

     The Head  of BMA’s named after U. Hajibeyli  scientific  researches  laboratory Doctor of  Philosophy  on Arts Study , the Professor Assistant - Nurida Ismayilzade  in her lecture speech about S.Abdullayeva’s “Music in Nizami  and  Nizami in Music “ book , noted  that  years  of poet’s  anniversaries jubilee’s  celebration  are, for azerbaijanian music ,absolutely correctly  called “ Nizami  Times Period “.

     Then  , these  years, our composers  tried to write , to compose  songs  and romances by Nizami’s gazelles words –and also tried to express heroes of the poem  and also his \poet Nizami\ own  image  by  musical language as well.

    Works , written  on   based upon  existing in  Nizami’s  “ Hamse ”  gazelles and  images narration content plot stem , encircle , surround  almost all classic musical genres  like  opera, ballet, symphony,  symphony poem, and suite, cantata, oratorio, musical gazelle ,  songs and  romances.

    In S.  Abdullayeva’s called  “ Nizami in Music  and Music in Nizami ”  book ,  is  described   surrounding poet musical society, during  that times ,when  the poet was alive and musical instruments played   there  and then  .

    Nurida   Ismayilzade commented   this book’s value like great contribution gift for Nizami’s inheritance study sciences as well as for musical theory\musical expertize\ study sciences. 

    BMA’s  named after Uzeyir  Hajibeyli scientific – researches  laboratory, scientific worker   Fidan Nasirova spoke about   Z. Hadjibeyli ‘s “ Nushaba” opera \ which is  composed over  based upon    Nizami’s “ Iskandername “ poem’s  narration content stem plot.

    and informed about materials , kept in composer’s  private  foundation  in Azerbaijan Republic  Sciences  Academy  Handwriting Manuscripts  archives , and also about this  creation completed  sample existence .

    We should note , that  in  musical history, it  is possible to come across to  such operas  which exist only in  libretto  form or  otherwise are kept in  several  fragments.

    Fidan ,  informed  that , one of  unresearched , undiscovered pages in Z. Hajibeyov’s creative activity - is opera “ Nushaba “ and it is possible  to represent  more detailed explanations , to arrange  more thorough , more  colourful and  extensive analytical  researches over it  .

    ADPU \ Azerbaijan State  Pedagogical  University \   Vafa Allahyarova the teacher of “ Music and  Its Education  Technologies ”   department , commented in her speech called  “ Nizami Ganjevi’s  Creative  Activity \ pr. the place\   among Azerbaijanian  Books Settings Arrangement Representation .”  that genius Nizami’s  noble image portrayal appearance , for the first time\ initially\ was  successfully  created with  deep professional , special  approach by  prominent Azerbaijanian Peoples  Artist - Gazanfar Halilov  over  flax  fiber , and well-known sculptor   Fuad Abdurahmanov  revived it in bronze.

    Later,  this poet image was reflected \implemented\  in a numerous  quantity in brush , chisel,  knitting ,  fiber and carpets making  handicrafts on flax , granite , marble, carpets, wood   embodiment.

    This poet monuments are built in 8 eight countries capitals and cities out of Azerbaijan borders \ abroad\.

    In the entrance  to  Ganja city, in spite of \ pr. humanity \ history diverse collisions,  on preserved stove grave 22,4 in height  from  dark red granite , properly  in  accordance with  national ornament decorations carving , in eight angles shape is built up Nizami Ganjevi  mausoleum  ,  nearby encircled with artificial - monumental composition “ Hamse Heroes “,  is  constructed five books monument with  engraved poems names .         

    During this  scientific  session  were  sounded : Uzeyir Hajibeyli’s  “ Sensiz”  romance  in Peoples artist of Azerbaijan  and Soviet  Union ,  Bul-Bul’s performance; dedicated  to  Nizami  romans , written  by  composer, Gulnaz  Abdullazade in Ilham Nazarov’s    sounding performance  . Was demonstrated videotape dedicated to Nizami Ganjevi prepared   by BMA named after Uzeir Hajibeyli 2 second study term \course\ student Zahra Shihaliyeva and other musical performances were sounded.

    Finally, BMA  named after Uzeyir Hajibeyli  Pro-rector on Sciences  and Creative  activity matters , Honoured  Arts  Worker , Doctor  of Philosophy , Professor Gulnaz Abdullazade   on behalf of the Rector  of  BMA named after Uzeyir Hajibeyli,  Professor  Farhad Badalbeyli announced her and F. Badalbeyli’s highest  appreciation  and respect to, ADPU\ Azerbaijan  State Pedagogics University \ Rector , Professor  Jaffar Jaffarov  and  teachers council , lecturers and  all taking part in the  Session, whole participated  quests .

    And also  completed   her speech with   information,  about  the   order, signed by  Ilham Aliyev  - the President of Azerbaijanian  Republic  on  26 th of May   in  2021   in accordance with related  to  100 years  anniversary jubilee  celebrations  dedicated to   BMA  named after Uzeir Hajibeyli  establishment foundation date  .

    Nigar  Bayramova-

    Candidate \ working \ for doctor’s degree,

    Scientific worker, of scientific – researches

    Laboratory in BMA named

    after Uzeyir Hajibeyli .


    The content of BMA named after Uzeyir Hajibeyli  Scientific Researches Laboratory № 1 above- mentioned document \ information bulletin \  is translated  by this laboratory  scientific worker - Ismayilova Elmina Rufulla gizi.


    Date :  the  22 –nd  of  June 2021.

    Baku .Azerbaijan .